Recipe: Can you Sous Vide Brussels Sprouts?

Brussels sprouts are not only a fall favourite, but are also an increasingly popular choice for people looking to maximize the effects of a keto diet during weekly meal prep.

Cooking brussels sprouts sous vide is easy, quick, and can be simply rolled into a lazy Sunday afternoon. This little green guy, a cousin to the cabbage, is high in vitamin C, vitamin K, B-vitamins, and contains negligible fat.

The distinctive odor many people associate with brussels sprouts is actually a side-effect of overcooking them. Despite their rugged appearance it’s all too easy to treat them too roughly and compromise what would otherwise be a kitchen staple.

For this recipe we’re going to look at the classic brussels sprouts with balsamic vinegar. Balsamic vinegar, sometimes called the king of vinegars, has a sharp tang when tasted straight out of the bottle. Fortunately, cooking is alchemy and magic. When treated to constant, steady heat balsamic vinegar becomes sweet and is the perfect compliment to brussels sprouts.


  • 400g brussels sprouts
  • 1 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar
  • 1 Tsp. honey
  • 2 gloves garlic
  • Kosher salt and freshly cracked pepper
  • 1 Tbsp. butter for browning
  • Roasted chestnuts to taste (optional)

Serves 4


To prepare the brussels sprouts for cooking remove the buds and any loose exterior leaves. From here you can score the tops with a knife, slice in half, or simply let them be. Keep in mind that if you decided to halve the sprouts or score them they will absolutely cook a little bit faster.

The last thing we want is overcooked brussels sprouts.

From here combine the brussels sprouts, balsamic vinegar, honey, and both cloves of garlic in your vacuum sealable bag. Season lightly with salt and freshly cracked black pepper – make sure to give it as taste. Seal your marinated brussels sprouts and heat your water to 185F.

Let the brussels sprouts cook for up to an hour if left whole, or slightly less if halved or scored. Remember, the odor you might associate with brussels sprouts is in fact a sign of overcooking. Keep an eye on the color of the sprouts if in doubt. We want them to be a bright green, not faded or grey.

Five minutes before the sprouts are done heat your butter in a non-stick or cast-iron pan.

When the sprouts are done carefully remove the vacuum sealed bag from the boiling water. As the butter begins to foam add the sprouts and liquid. Coat the sprouts evenly in the butter and turn up to high. Remove the cloves of garlic left over from the marinade and keep the sprouts moving so that the balsamic vinegar adheres to them as well.

If you’d like to make this a bit more thanksgiving-y add in your roasted chestnuts and mix well for at most 30 seconds. Nuts are highly sensitive to heat.

Plate and serve immediately or, if getting ready for a big family meal, keep warm in an oven until the turkey hits the table.

Check out the rest of our “Can you Sous Vide Vegetables” series for more SVG faves.

Jack Lawson: