Our Picks for the Best Nespresso Machines

Want barista-quality brew at home without having to learn how to use a confusing manual espresso machine? Enter the Nespresso machine. These state of the art coffee making miracles wrap up all of your coffee desires into a neat little package (literally). Hugely convenient, Nespresso machines make creating the perfect cup of coffee as simple as pushing a button. No baristas required. Once you get a taste of the silky creme atop a Nespresso coffee there’s no going back to your boring old brew. Choosing the right Nespresso machine isn’t quite as simple as making a coffee with one. With a ton of options out there, how do you know which Nespresso is right for you? Let us take some of the guesswork out of the equation with this handy list of our favorite Nespresso options.

Top Picks For Best Nespresso Machines

Best Overall Pick – Nespresso Vertuo Evoluo Coffee and Espresso Machine

This option is easy to use and offers a wide variety of functions. It’s a great place to start if you’re new to Nespresso and offers a compatible milk frother that you can bundle with it for an additional cost.

The highly reviewed and much loved Nespresso by De’Longhi Vertuo Evoluo Coffee and Espresso Machine doesn’t have some of the extras that other models have, but regardless, it’s an excellent and affordable choice that you can purchase on its own, or with an Aeroccino3 milk frother that will make it nice and simple to re-create all of your cafe favorites.

Use this machine to make coffee or espresso using Vertuo capsules. By reading a barcode on the capsule, the machine can automatically adjust its settings to brew specific types of coffee based on the individual pod being used.

This machine allows you to conveniently choose your cup size, from an espresso shot, all the way up to a large travel mug.

When it’s time for cleaning, the machine will conveniently alert you, so you don’t have to worry about remembering. It will also shut itself off if you happen to forget.

Purchase the Nespresso by De’Longhi Vertuo Evoluo Coffee and Espresso Machine on its own, or bundle it with a milk frother or some Nespresso capsules to get you started.


  • Choose from multiple drink sizes
  • You can bundle it with an Aeroccino3 milk frother for more versatility
  • Automatic shut off and cleaning reminders


  • One of the more expensive options in the Vertuo line of products
  • The capsule container isn’t as large as the one included on some other models

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Best Lux Option – Breville Nespresso Creatista Plus

This machine has all of the bells and whistles and was designed with true coffee enthusiasts in mind. If you want to splurge on an espresso machine that will give you all of the same vibes as the manual models you’re used to seeing at coffee shops, this option won’t disappoint.

The Breville Nespresso Creatista Plus is for real coffee lovers who truly appreciate a quality cup of coffee in various different European formats.  Not only will it make you an incredible coffee, but its micro frothing technology will allow you to get fancy and re-create the latte art everyone is sharing on their social media. This milk frother isn’t an add on and comes built into the machine. Use it to easily create multiple milk textures and milk temperatures, depending on your personal preferences.

When espresso is a passion and not just a beverage, this is the machine you need.

The look will definitely remind you of high-end manual espresso machines and will stand out as the most lux looking option in the Nespresso lineup. This machine offers most of the charm of a manual version, without the headache. Simply choose from a variety of preset beverage options like espresso, lungo, latte, cappuccino, flat white, ristretto or macchiato, choose your desired size and then pick a milk temperature and texture and bam! You’ve got yourself one killer cup of coffee.

The Breville Nespresso Creatista Plus heats rapidly, in just three seconds, and it will remind you when it’s time for a clean.


  • A beautiful design reminiscent of a manual espresso machine
  • Integrated milk frother with multiple consistencies and temperatures
  • Heats up in three seconds
  • Many automated drink options
  • Reminds you when it’s time to clean


  • More expensive than some other automatic options
  • Many functions that will take some time to learn

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Best Compact Pick – Nespresso Essenza Mini Coffee Machine

Don’t have much space? No problem! This compact espresso machine is our top pick for you. It comes in a variety of colors and coffers a complimentary tasting pack to get you started.

The Nespresso Essenza Mini Coffee Machine will fit in any room and tuck away nicely on your countertop. This little powerhouse is about as wide as your favorite mug and has a water tank on the back (as opposed to the side) to save you some extra space. Just because it’s small, doesn’t mean it’s lacking in power. The Essenza produces 19 bars of pressure so it can brew the perfect cup along with the best of them.

Although it doesn’t have all of the bells and whistles as some of the others, this machine can still make really great espresso, and that’s all that matters. Simply choose between espresso or Lungo size options by pushing a convenient button.

This little guy heats up in 30 seconds, and will auto-shutoff after nine minutes so you don’t have to worry about forgetting.

As an added bonus, when you purchase Essenza Mini it will come with a handy tasting pack so you can sample some of the capsules that Nespresso has to offer. You’ll also have the option to purchase an Aeroccino to use with your machine (this is a tool that will allow you to froth milk for various different coffee drinks).


  • Affordable price
  • Comes in a variety of colors
  • Complimentary tasting pack included
  • Option to purchase an Aeroccino to froth milk
  • Auto shut off after nine minutes


  • Take a little bit longer to heat up
  • Smaller water reservoir means more fill-ups

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Best Eco-Friendly Option – Nespresso Vertuo Next Coffee and Espresso Maker


This brand new model is compact, eco friendly and excellent quality. You have the option to purchase this machine on its own or bundle it with an Aeroccino milk frother for all your specialty milk-based coffee drink needs.

The Nespresso Vertuo Next Coffee and Espresso Maker is a great option for anyone who wants an eco-friendly espresso machine because it is made from 54% recycled materials. Nespresso is no stranger to green initiatives as they offer a free recycling service for their capsules to give you an all-around eco-friendly coffee experience.

This new model from Nespresso offers the same drink options that fans have come to expect from the Vertuo line of products (five options to be exact) along with a couple of thoughtful upgrades.

The Vertuo Next is hands down one of the slimmest Nespresso machines out there, and despite this, it offers a large 37 oz water tank that can be easily removed to be filled and cleaned. This machine is easy to operate and has a very cool new feature, the ability to connect to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth so it can automatically run updates without you even having to think about it.

Purchase the Nespresso Vertuo Next on its own, or with a milk frother so you can make all of your cafe favorites at home.


  • Particularly made from recycled materials (54%)
  • Slim and compact with a large water reservoir
  • Wi-Fi and Bluetooth enabled so it can automatically run updates


  • Takes a little bit longer to heat up
  • The capsule container isn’t as large as the one included on some other models
  • The product is fairly new so it doesn’t have very many reviews yet on Amazon yet

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The Low-Down On Nespresso

Nespresso produces its own line of pod espresso machines. They also partner with other companies on some models. The Nespresso range of products includes machines that are great for extensive use (i.e. in a retail or office setting) and more compact options that are better suited for home use. Some of their machines are designed to make a wide variety of coffee drinks and are a great option for milk-based coffee drink lovers, and others are designed to just produce straight-up espresso or lungo drinks. Nespresso machines are compatible with Nespresso ESE (Easy Serve Espresso) capsules. These are the colorful little tin capsules you’ve seen at some of your friend’s houses, or at your fancy dentist’s office. These espresso capsules are not to be confused with other coffee pods on the market, as they differ in a few ways. Nespresso pods are totally airtight which makes them taste better, they’re smaller than many other coffee pods on the market, and Nespresso machines are designed to allow you to add more than one pod at a time. Our favorite differentiator is the fact that Nespresso pods are completely recyclable and you can even return them to the company to be recycled and reused. How cool is that?

Do I Need A Nespresso Machine?

Whether or not you need a Nespresso machine depends on your lifestyle and how much you love coffee. These machines make it super simple to quickly and easily brew a perfect cup of cafe-quality coffee. They’re automatic, foolproof, easy to clean, and a lot more affordable than many manual espresso machines out there. They’ll also take up much less space on your counter. Coffee made in a Nespresso machine can closely match the coffee experience you have in a cafe for a fraction of the price, and who doesn’t want that? These machines are a great option for coffee aficionados and coffee newbies. Basically, anyone who loves a good cup of coffee. Nespresso pods are also a  great environmentally friendly option because they allow you to brew each cup individually, so there’s much less waste. You use less water, less energy to brew a big pot of coffee and keep it warm, and there’s no dumping that extra half a pot down the drain (something we’ve all done!) At the end of the day less energy and less waste equals more money in your wallet. Most importantly, you can recycle or return the pods to be reused so there’s no guilt (the same can’t be said for other plastic pods on the market).

What To Expect?

Most Nespresso machines have a regular espresso and a lungo option. What’s a lungo option you ask? I’ll explain that in a minute. These machines also have removable water tanks and drip trays that are easy to remove and clean. Naturally, Nespresso suggests that you use their capsules for all of your brewing needs, but just so you’re aware, there are other options available for purchase if you want to find pods that are a little bit less expensive. When you use other pods, however, it’s buyer beware. Make sure the ones you’re purchasing are reputable and compatible. No matter which model you choose, you can expect your Nespresso machine to heat up and be ready to use in 30 seconds or less.

Espresso Vs. Lungo

Espresso is that super-strong tiny cup of coffee you often see people sipping in cafes and restaurants. When you order a coffee at a cafe, you’re usually getting an Americano which is espresso with hot water added to it to dilute the intensity. Espresso is also the foundation of any other coffee drinks like lattes and cappuccinos. Think of a Lungo as a longer, or a bigger, version of an espresso. It has a similar rich flavor, but it will fill up your cup more than espresso and be slightly less concentrated.

Nespresso Product Ranges

  • Pixie
  • Creatista
  • Expert
  • Inissia
  • KitchenAid
  • Prodigio
  • CitiZ
  • Essenza
  • Latitissima
  • U-series
  • Maestria

Final Thoughts

No matter which machine you choose, you will quickly fall in love with the quality cup of coffee Nespresso can deliver. These machines are all priced very reasonably when you take into account the individual features and benefits that each model has to offer. The money you’ll save from going to your local cafe is an added bonus, and will quickly pay for your investment.

If you don’t want to learn how to operate a manual espresso machine, or don’t have the budget for one, a Nespresso machine is definitely your best option. We hope that this list has made finding the right Nespresso machine a little bit easier for you.
