Rice Super Easy Teriyaki Chicken Recipe

Super Easy Teriyaki Chicken Recipe

  By Sous Vide Guy

June 24, 2015

There are plenty of recipes for sous vide teriyaki chicken online, but we promise you this: Our version will be the easiest to execute and it tastes great!

This recipe is part of our series of super-easy sous vide chicken breast recipes. We have 2 strict criteria for all the recipes in this series:

It must be easy to execute and it must taste great!

We picked chicken breasts because it is a good source of lean protein and it's healthier than most other options out there. However, chicken breasts are notorious for being dry and bland.

And so with that challenge in mind, we locked ourselves in our kitchens and R&D the hell out of every chicken breast recipe we could think of. Some worked great, some needed refining and some just didn't work out. All recipes were tested with our friends and our families acting as our panel of judges. And we are happy to bring you our faves, the ones that worked out best!

Rice Super Easy Teriyaki Chicken Recipe


Chicken Breasts

Teriyaki Sauce

Ziplock bags


1Put your chicken breasts in your ziptop bag and then pour your teriyaki sauce into the bag.

2Massage sauce into chicken and marinade for at least 30 mins. The longer the better.

3Set water bath to 145°F / 63°C

4And once the set temperature is reached, sous vide the chicken for 1 hour.

5After 1 hour, remove from bath.

6Save sauce from bag. If you feel you need more sauce than what's in the bag, feel free to add a little more sauce.

7Heat up pan with medium heat.

8Then pour sauce in and reduce.

9And finally, glaze chicken with thickened sauce

10Your sous vide teriyaki chicken is done! Just slice and serve!

And that's our recipe. It's delicious, it's healthy, it's tender, it's juicy and it's super easy to make!

This dish is very versatile. You can eat this so many ways. You can eat your teriyaki chicken with a salad, in a wrap, with noodles, ramen, udon or with rice. My personal favorite is to have it with some short grain Japanese rice, sprinkled with some Shichimi Togarashi Chilli Powder. Yummy!

So sous vide soon and bon appétit!


2 Reviews


September 13, 2019

@Foodsafetyguy. Killing salmonella isn’t black and white at 165°F. You can kill it a lower temperature but cooking over a long period of time. The 165°F is meant to indicate at that temp, the salmonella is killed just about instantly.
But I agree it should be clear that you must use a freezer bag and not assume any ziplock bag is sufficient for sous vide.


August 14, 2019

what about the minimum internal cooking temperature of chicken being 165 degrees? Also many ziploc bags are not suitable for high temperature. do you mean to use a freezer bag?

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